The goals of both the Cadet programs are:
-To develop an interest and ability in basic seamanship and seagoing skills;
-To instill the virtues of good citizenship and strong moral principles in each Cadet;
-To demonstrate the value of an alcohol-free, drug-free, and gang-free lifestyle
-To make each Cadet aware of the prestige of a military career and increase the advancement potential of those that serve.
Cadets attend local meetings (drills) one weekend a month, complete the same Navy Correspondence courses that regular Navy personnel take as homework, and attend two week trainings (during non school periods –fall –winter –spring –summer breaks), the first being Recruit Training Indoctrination, to advance in rate. Cadets and leaders can wear Navy style uniforms, appropriately modified with Sea Cadet insignia. Cadets can advance from E-1 (Recruit) through E-7 (Chief Petty Officer). AfterRecruit Training, there are hundreds of other training opportunities each year covering, Aviation (basic, advanced, ground and flight schools, and air traffic control), Seamanship (amphibious, port operations, special boats, search and rescue), SpecialOperations (homeland security, MAA [police sciences], mine warfare, naval intelligence, scuba, EOD/Diving, SEAL, and special operations), just to name a few.
We currently have units within the Central Gulf Coast Region (Alabama –Montgomery and south, Florida Panhandle –I-75 west and Mississippi) in Coffee Springs, AL. (Community Center), Gulfport, MS. (CBC Gulfport), Milton, FL. (NAS Whiting Field), Panama City, FL. (NSA Panama City) and Pensacola, FL. (NAS Pensacola). We also have units in Mobile, AL. (USCG Aviation Training Center), and Tallahassee, FL. (NOSC Tallahassee), that currently are inactive, and in need of unit leaders.
To learn more about these units and the Naval Sea Cadet Corps/Navy League Cadet Corps, please go to
If you are interested in helping out with one of these units, starting a unit in your area, getting a youth into the program,please contact the Sea Cadet Regional Director: LCDR Thomas Klomps, NSCC,, (850) 890 -6792