
Monday, December 27, 2010

My airport disaster

After being delayed in Syracuse, NY by five hours I finally made it to the Detroit airport. I'm in the Delta terminal at the end of concourse C. Much to my relief and surprise it appears I will catch my next flight. I'm overwhelmed with joy because my husband leaves tdy with the air force in 11 hours. It looks like I will make it home in time. Did I mention my three little kids are at home. I run through the entire airport to get to terminal a. I make it and it is time to board. I get in the boarding line just in time for the girl at the counter to announce the flight is cancelled!
Now I'm running to the rescheduling desk so I can beat the others. I've beaten all but two to the line. I'm 10th in line. An hour and a half later I'm 2nd in line. 30 minutes later I'm being helped. They tell me I've already been re booked and I could have scanned my ticket over there. On a little unmarked machine. I ask for an earlier flight and explain that we are in a military situation now. They put me on an earlier flight.

Now who's going to watch my kids until I get there. I line up a friend. Then call a few hotels. It takes 3 calls but I've got a room.
Four hours later I got to my hotel room after trying in the freezing cold to catch the shuttle or a taxi or anything else with wheels. I got to my room a little 2 am. The room was very cold. I
ended up switching rooms at 3 am. My new room was also ice cold. I ended up sleeping in my hat, gloves, scarf, socks and all the blankets and sheets from both of the beds. It eventually warmed up. (I realized only later I left my hat in my hotel room. So bummed I've had it since 1996.)
I was suppose to get out in an early flight 8:35 am. So, I got up ate some breakfast and caught the shuttle back to the airport. This time I do not have to run and fight for a spot on the shuttle. Of course that flight gets cancelled. Now, I have several hours to shop at the airport. I finally got on the next flight to Vegas. My kids were only without parent 20 hours.