Beneath the Night Tree
by Nicole Baart
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This is the third and final book in a series. I did not realize this was a series since there was nothing to indicate this on the actual book. Obviously, now that I know how the whole thing ends I will not be going to back to read the other two.
This book is about a young women struggling to make decisions for her and her family. She has a family mostly put together through circumstances. Julie, the main character struggles through what she wants versus what is best for her family.
I had a hard time relating to the main character and a lot of the book is her thoughts on a little bit of everything going on around her. The whole book is from her perspective. Maybe if I had read the previous books I would have understood her constant mind rambling thoughts that went on for pages. Overall it is an interesting story, but I found myself skipping through paragraphs of her thoughts. I enjoyed the references to the bible and that the characters had faith. I liked the ending, but could see it coming.
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I received a complimentary copy of the book for review purposes from Tyndale House.