Although there are hundred of programs out there that promise you will make money using them on your blog; I have found that few are worth your time. Here are some I have tried and can recommend.
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2) Blogsvertise
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4) Savvy Source - Savvy Source is another website I have used. They have many cities they offer daily deals in. You can sign up for an account and get a ad widget for your blog. If anyone purchases something through it you get a small percentage. I have run this ad in the past, but not currently. I know of a few bloggers that have made $100 or more a month using Savvy Source.
5) JuiceBoxJungle has an ad network that you can participate in. You place widgets like this one shown and you get a 50% ad split with them. This is another type of ad that I know some bloggers are making $100 a month or more from.
6) Commission Junction is another ad network that has lots of different companies you can choose from. I have been trying their ads for a while, but have yet to make any money off of them. That is where I got the Travelocity and Priceline ads. They charge you fees to work with them, which they take out of any revenue you make.