1 - cracker
2 - dime
3 - rope
4 - purple cloth
5 - thorn
6 - cross
7 - nail
8 - sponge
9 - toothpick
10 - guaze
11 - rock
12 - leave empty
Be sure to number each egg. I like to hide them around the house and let the kids hunt for them. Then they can line them up in order. This is a great way to work on numbers for smaller kids.
The Easter Story
1 - cracker The Last Supper at the Passover was a time Jesus had a special meal together with His 12 disciples. They had the meal in an upstairs room of a house. Jesus took a cup of grape juice and a flat loaf of bread, and prayed a thank-you prayer. He told His disciples, "Whenever you drink this, remember Me." After dinner, Jesus and His disciples went to a garden to pray. After they were done praying, one of Jesus' followers named Judas came up to Jesus.
2 - dime Judas had soldiers with him. Then he did a strange thing. He kissed Jesus on the check. The soldiers had paid Judas silver money to tell them which one was Jesus. Then the soldiers arrested Jesus. Next, they were very mean to Jesus.
3 - rope They took rope to bind His hand so He couldn't move them.
4 - purple cloth They put a purple robe on Him and made fun of Him because He told them He was the King of the Jews.
5 - thorn They made a crown of thorns that they put on His head. They beat Him with a whip.
6 - cross Then they wanted to put Him to death. He was going to go through all of this so we could be forgiven for our sins.
7 - nail They took nails and hammered Him up on the cross and put the cross up.
8 - sponge He was hungry and thirsty. To be mean, they put a sponge with something sour (like vinegar) up to His mouth. It tasted awful to Him - He spit it out! He hung there for 6 hours, the He died.
9 - toothpick After they saw He was dead, the soldier took a spear and put it into His side.
10 - guaze His friends took His body down and wrapped it in gauze getting Him ready to be buried.
11 - rock They put His body in the grave and placed a big huge stone in front of it so no one could steal His body. Then soldiers were put on guard to watch.
The Good News is Jesus didn't stay dead! Early Sunday morning some women came to visit the place where Jesus was buried.
12 - leave empty They found an angel and the angel said, "He is not here! He is Risen! He is Alive! Go tel your friends!