
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Share Your Best Linkup #2

Once again it's time for the Share Your Best Linkup where you share your best post for the last month with us.

Do you have a post that your particularly proud of you wrote within the last month? Each month Mommy Travels and Two Kids and a Map will be hosting the Share Your Best link up. You link up once and show up on both blogs.

Your challenge is to pick out your best post of the month and share it with us. It does not matter what the topic is. Mommy Travels and Two Kids and a Map  are both family travel blogs, but we also write about many other things. Some of the posts I'm the most proud of have nothing to do with family travel.

That's especially true for this month. I put together a couple of posts that I feel are truly helpful for fellow bloggers. The first one is a linkup round up with 30 linkups broken down by day. The second one is a how to tutorial for Creating Collages for Pinterest.

Two other posts I enjoyed where getting to share my Great Aunt Katie's Sweet Potato Casserole recipe and my post about The Color Run, because it was my first 5k and I actually ran part of it!