
Monday, February 10, 2014

Share Your Best - Linkup #4

It is time for the Share Your Best Linkup, where you share your best post for the last month with us.

Do you have a post that your particularly proud of? Each month (well maybe every other month) Mommy Travels and Two Kids and a Map will be hosting the Share Your Best link up. You link up once and show up on both blogs.

Your challenge is to pick out your best post of the month and share it with us. Normally it does not matter what the topic is, but this month we are focusing on romantic/love posts. Mommy Travels and Two Kids and a Map enjoy Valentine's Day and embrace the opportunity to shower our husbands and kids with love.

I take the opportunity to do a little something special for my family. I usually make a special breakfast. (I know I said the same thing for Christmas. I guess I'm a breakfast person or lazy.) Last year I made red velvet pancakes. This year I am planning on making a cherry cinnamon roll breakfast casserole.