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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hofbrauhaus: German beer hall in Las Vegas

There is a great German restaurant called the Hofbrauhaus in Vegas that is kid friendly. The food is good, the portions are large, they have a live band and the waitresses are giving spankings to the customers.

Here's a guy getting a spanking from the waitress. I'm not sure why they were doing this. I asked our waitress what the deal was and she said because the asked for one. They would lightly tap them twice and then hit them really hard. Atleast 15 people did this while we were there. My kids thought this was hilarious.

Other than really awful service it's a fun place to go with kids. Just know you are going to wait a long time for food and that it will be expensive.
Hofbrauhaus Las Vegas on Urbanspoon

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