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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

HTC Rhyme phone

For the past few weeks I've been trying out the HTC Rhyme cell phone for TravelingMom.com. They gave me the phone to take pictures while I was aboard the Disney Fantasy cruise ship.

The HTC Rhyme takes amazing pictures. The camera in this phone is beyond anything I've seen or used before on a phone. It has some neat features that allow to you take action shots and panoramic shots. I'm not very savvy at using cameras, so I appreciate the auto setting. I like the that you can take a picture from either side of the phone. It makes taking self portraits easy. Here are some of the photos I took using the HTC. I have left all the photos completely unedited.
Animator's Palate Disney Fantasy Cruise shipHere inside the Animator's Palate a paint brush "paints" the ceiling.

 On top of deck 14 is the Aqua Lab.
In the adult part of the ship you can find Ooh La La a champagne bar

Deck 11 has another splash pad great for younger kids, because it's shaded.

Deck 11

That's me standing in front of Fantasy, the newest of the Disney ships. We've stopped for the day at Disney's private island, Castaway Key.

I took this using the action shot. They were in the middle of a big number inside the Walt Disney Theater. I'm no where near the front of the stage.  I'm not even sitting in the middle section.

I also wanted to tell you my favorite feature of the HTC Rhyme cell phone and it has nothing to do with the camera. When I got on Facebook with the phone it automatically downloaded all of my friends phone numbers! 

Be sure to see what they other TravelingMoms thought of the HTC Rhyme.

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